Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Life Lessons I've Learned in the Last 48 Hours

Remember that time in your twenties when you did something stupid?  That's right, it was about every other day.  Here are some stupid lessons I've learned this week:

Don't close yourself off to opportunities.

It's nice that you have a full-time job, but applying for something doesn't hurt anyone.  It might be the right move for you.

Honesty counts the most.

Even if everyone around you is dishonest at work, being honest and getting fired for it is better than screwing someone over.

Real meals are delicious.

Don't just eat a bunch of salads because you're trying to be healthy, and don't just eat a bunch of ramen because you're trying to save money.  Balance is the key.

Too much coffee CAN be a bad thing.

Just because you feel tired, doesn't mean more coffee is the answer.  Unless you want to shake uncontrollably.  

ALWAYS dress for success.

You never know who is going to be where and when you may run into someone important.

Go for it.

Make your mistakes now.  Face your fears.  The consequences just get more serious as you get older.

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