Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Stream of Consciousness

So I think I am way too excited about this blog thing, for real.  I love just being able to put your thoughts down.  And people can read them or not, and I don't really care.  My life isn't that interesting, but if you really want to know, you can read this.  For me, it's just fun to write.

I am so excited about this Rock Hard Films opportunity.  It sounds absolutely amazing.  I also completely spaced on the details of my mom's cousin in LA.  She is Mary Hart's personal assistant.  Mary Hart, if you didn't know, is the Lead Anchor for Entertainment Tonight.  How did I not remember this? I don't know, but *lightbulb*  There's a bunch more doors that just opened for me!  I'm excited to get in touch with her!

I'll be able to do more this weekend when I go home.  My mom is having surgery and I'm going home to take care of her for a couple days.  She will be able to get me in touch with her cousin Lori (Laurie?) Things are finally looking up on the internship front, and I'm so excited to go away for the summer and learn more!

I am also debating getting a second degree in advertising.  I am in a class called promotional writing this semester and it is supes fun.  I've also discovered my new favorite ad, the Chrysler 200 commercial (more like a Detroit commercial)
If you don't like this commercial, you're insane.  We spent about 45 minutes in class discussing this ad, and we've watched it 3 times.  It's quite amazing what they did here.  I've been so intrigued with advertising lately.  I'm pretty sure that I want a double major!

I should really go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. so you're going to be introducing me to your mom's cousin, correct? haha
