Saturday, February 26, 2011

Work and a Worldwide Media Revolution

So I'm at work right now.  If you didn't know, I work at the front desk of my residence hall.  It's a pretty sweet job.  We can basically do whatever we want at work.  Even update a blog. :)  I usually try my best to do homework, but that doesn't work out a lot of the time, like right now.  Most of my hours are weekend night shifts. So last night, while you were fast asleep, I was working from 2:30 am to 5:30 am.  The problem with trying to do homework during a night shift is: 1. You're tired.  It is so unnatural to wake up in the middle of the night for a few hours.  and 2. There's always 2 people working at the desk on a night shift.  So would I rather do homework or talk to my friend that I'm working with?  I feel like that's not a very hard decision.  I have to be very determined to get work done on a night shift.

Now usually, on Saturdays on B weekends I work 2:30-5:30am and then 1pm-5pm.  However, I wanted to go home today to help take care of my mom again, and so I switched hours with Jenna and now I work 9am-1pm instead of 1-5.  Needless to say, I haven't slept much.

While my original plan was to do homework right now at the desk, I am instead using my time to update my blog and watch the very first episodes of "FRIENDS."  It's already been three hours, so I'm doing pretty well so far.

I also wanted to post this awesome video that was shown last week at a Public Relations meeting.  My friend, Alex, who is a PR major posted this video, and I really enjoyed it.  Alex just came back from a week-long internship for a designer during New York Fashion Week.  Want to know how she got that internship?  Twitter.

I know that people have their issues with the pointlessness of Twitter, but it doesn't have to be useless if you use it right.  A lot of companies will post job openings on their Twitter pages.  Want to know about that opening first?  Follow them!  I also think that Twitter is a great source for other information.  I am kept up on world news since I follow my local news channels as well as CNN, Huffington, etc.  As a music major, it's also important for me to keep up on music news, so I can follow my favorite artists, my favorite venues, and many other music news sources to stay updated.  As this video points out, we don't have to search for news anymore, news finds us.

I used to think Twitter was pointless too.  I understand more and more as time goes on that it is a very useful asset.

Aside from the fact that you can follow people and places that are important to you, also think about who will follow YOU.  A lot of people follow me that I don't know, but a lot of them also have connections in the music business.  If they know what I'm up to, then when I'm looking for a job or internship, that might just be one more opened door.

So if you still don't want a Twitter, that's fine.  So long as you don't mind losing a few dozen (at least) job opportunities.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Reading the Fine Print

Today was such a long day!  I have a lot to talk about, though!  First, I have some of the best friends in the world, and my suitemate, Jenna was so nice to come down to Grand Rapids today to visit my mom with me.  My mom had surgery today to get a lump removed from her breast.  Everything went really well, and the doctor said that he was very confident that the lump was not cancerous!  Good news!

We also got a nice home cooked meal from my aunt, which I miss quite a bit.  I am very sick of dorm food.  Of course about two hours later, we ruined that by stopping at Culver's on our way back to Ferris.  It was necessary.

I also learned a lesson or two this week about paying attention to details.  I have been waiting for a long time for CMT to put up their 2011 application for download, but every time I looked at it, it said 2010.  Turns out, they didn't change the link, but they changed the inside information.  The application is due on the 28th with two letters of recommendation.  Bye, CMT.  It's too late to intern there.

I have also been working on an application for the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.  I went to put the application with my letters of recommendation together, and learned that I also need an official transcript.  Now I have to pick up my transcript (after paying $8) tomorrow at 1pm and get it in the mail before the mail gets picked up (even though I have class until 2:45), so it can be overnighted to D.C., where it is due on friday.  Lesson learned: READ THE FINE PRINT

I'm really bad at that some days.  That's why I don't like math, and I don't like True/False questions.  I forget little details sometimes.

I also had a great conversation with my friend Robin today.  She might go intern at Rock Hard with me this summer!  She helped me decide on the Advertising major thing.  If I really like Rock Hard, I am going to keep my advertising certificate and get a Film Studies minor.  If I don't really like Rock Hard, I'm going to get the Advertising degree.  I can't stay in school forever, as much as I would like to believe that's true.  If i had my way, I would get an advertising degree and the film studies minor.

I am super excited to be going to bed before midnight tonight.  I can't remember the last time that happened..

"That's All For Now, Folks!"
I don't want to bore you.  Although if you're bored, you really should've just stopped reading...

Stream of Consciousness

So I think I am way too excited about this blog thing, for real.  I love just being able to put your thoughts down.  And people can read them or not, and I don't really care.  My life isn't that interesting, but if you really want to know, you can read this.  For me, it's just fun to write.

I am so excited about this Rock Hard Films opportunity.  It sounds absolutely amazing.  I also completely spaced on the details of my mom's cousin in LA.  She is Mary Hart's personal assistant.  Mary Hart, if you didn't know, is the Lead Anchor for Entertainment Tonight.  How did I not remember this? I don't know, but *lightbulb*  There's a bunch more doors that just opened for me!  I'm excited to get in touch with her!

I'll be able to do more this weekend when I go home.  My mom is having surgery and I'm going home to take care of her for a couple days.  She will be able to get me in touch with her cousin Lori (Laurie?) Things are finally looking up on the internship front, and I'm so excited to go away for the summer and learn more!

I am also debating getting a second degree in advertising.  I am in a class called promotional writing this semester and it is supes fun.  I've also discovered my new favorite ad, the Chrysler 200 commercial (more like a Detroit commercial)
If you don't like this commercial, you're insane.  We spent about 45 minutes in class discussing this ad, and we've watched it 3 times.  It's quite amazing what they did here.  I've been so intrigued with advertising lately.  I'm pretty sure that I want a double major!

I should really go to bed.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rock Hard

I just got an email back from a really nice person at Rock Hard Films in LA!  She is so nice and said she is certain there will be a position open for me this summer!  I'm so excited!  They've done some great videos for Willow Smith, Lady Gaga, Adam Lambert, etc. I called my mom and her cousin actually lives in LA so I will probably have a place to stay as well!  I am so stoked for this opportunity!  I can't wait to go on internship!

Unicorns and Ukuleles

I already thought of a name.  And I like it a lot.  They're basically my two favorite things!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Testing 1, 2, 3..

So I just made a blogspot account, and I am just sort of testing it out!  I'm excited to start blogging more!  Its a really fun way to get your thoughts out.  Tell me any ideas you might have for a name of this blog!  I am fresh out of ideas..Thanks for reading!