Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Senioritis at its finest

Well, here we are again, Fairly Straight University.  My fourth and final year in a town with 3 main roads, four bars, too many Amish people for my taste, and 45 minutes away from any civilization (shopping malls, casinos, and Targets, oh my!).  Needless to say, these next 7 months can't fly by fast enough.  Yeah, yeah, savor the college years, best time of your life, blah blah blah.  I really just want to go to the mall without spending $20 on gas.

I can definitely say that my "Senioritis," as it's called, is in full effect.  What are the symptoms, you ask?

  • irritability
  • procrastination
  • watching television
  • skipping class at least once a week
  • new-found levels of procrastination
  • not doing homework, even if the subject interests you
  • watching several hours of television in a row
  • beer
  • Tumblr
  • Facebook is suddenly interesting
  • New low levels of disapproving of Freshmen behavior
  • Wondering how you could somehow not take those last 5 classes
  • sweatpants all day every day
  • beer
I think that about sums it up.